• Mec. Damian Sabuda



My name is Damian Sabuda and I am a legal adviser.

When I was a kid I watched the movie „To Kill a Mockingbird”. Amazed by Gregory Peck I knew right away that in the future I want to be like Atticus Finch – a man who defends against everyone and all the odds. That day I learned that the sturdy attitude, dedication, and determination to win are what guarantees success and what The Client expects from His Lawyer. That day I learned what I want to do every day of my adult life.

Coming to me you need to know that from now on your Cause will be Our Cause – that my persistence, commitment, and desire to succeed will become the source of Your – Our success. In life, I follow a couple of simple maxims that allow me to achieve the goals set by My Clients, such as: “There is no case that cannot be won” or “Choose a job you love and you will not work for another day in your life”.

In my work, I am not only a lawyer but also – and perhaps most importantly – a businessman. That is why so many of my clients choose to base their decisions on my business acumen, my ability to analyze a problem from many angles and to find a solution. My approach to work goes much deeper than standard legal services. I want you to be sure that you can count on my support, that when you call – I answer, and that if I happen to be busy helping another client, I will return your call promptly.

Privately, I am passionate about long-distance swimming and all kinds of physical activity. Another idea upon which I build relationships with clients reflects it very well: when I go fast, I do it alone; when I go far, I do it TOGETHER. Life is a marathon and I want to go through it with people.

I want to help!

Attorney-at-law DAMIAN SABUDA | Sabuda-Sawinski.pl