Civil process

Debt collection

Defence in criminal cases

Assistance to the victim of crime

These are examples of things we can help you with. Don’t see that particular thing you are looking for? You can rest assured – we will certainly help.
“Civil” is a misleading name because navigating it resembles the work of a sapper. The procedure does not forgive mistakes or delays. Every case involves court fees, and losing can cost a lot.
We will assess the risk of loss and the chance of winning so you can make an informed decision. If you give us the green light, we will guide you safely to judgment.
To be wrongly accused is one of the most painful feelings. Especially when you stand against the entire state machinery. All on your own.
If you decide that you do not want to face this unequal battle alone, we will defend you at every stage of the proceedings.
Vast number of cases originate in police stations and prosecutors’ offices – some serious, some minor. Always one of a kind.
We will assist you at every stage of the proceedings, from the filing of a crime report to the final judgment.
Have you suffered something bad and the insurer under-compensates you? Such practices are profitable because most injured people will not go to court over this matter. Do you want to be that person?
You are a professional in your field. You have established and developed a business. However, you are getting lost in the ever-increasing maze of regulations. If you dedicated your time to read the Journal of Laws, you wouldn’t have any to do what you are best at. You don’t need a full-time lawyer because a legal question or the need to review a contract happens to you once every few days.
We will get to know the specifics of your industry and provide you with the ongoing advice you need within a tailored subscription.
You have an in-house legal department. A close-knit team of professionals is well aware of the specifics of your business and ensures that it runs smoothly on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes, however, the demands of the company outstrip their time capacity while you need instant legal support. In addition, there are unusual cases that arise and require a different kind of expertise, such as criminal proceedings.
At times like these, it’s good to be able to call in reinforcements immediately. We will get to know the specifics of your industry and provide you with the ongoing advice you need as a part of a customized subscription.
It’s nice when you walk into a café and the barista simply asks: “The usual for you?”. Or when your newspaper is waiting for you to grab it in the newsagent.
You may also have a lawyer you can call at any time for everyday matters. You received an incomprehensible letter from public authorities, your holiday flight was canceled at the last minute, your new TV broke down shortly after you bought it, your child’s school introduced some strange rules, you had a car accident, your upstairs neighbor flooded your apartment… These are just a few examples of everyday situations in which a phone call to a lawyer may come in handy.
The vast majority of the litigations stem from poorly written contracts. When a contract is ambiguous, disputes arise. Often, it is only the court that determines what the parties had in mind and whether the contract was fulfilled..
A professionally negotiated and decently written contract saves time and money. We will help you create one in which the rights and obligations of each party are clear and understandable to all.
Many disputes can be settled amicably, saving time and the cost of litigation and enforcement. You often have to wait years for a judgment, and enforcement itself is uncertain. Compromising with the other party can protect your interests here and now.
An impartial mediator will help work it out. An experienced lawyer, who is not involved in the dispute, will listen carefully to both parties, identify their needs and concerns, and then propose an optimal solution.
You want to ensure the safety of your loved ones for when you are not with them anymore. You are struggling with the loss of a loved one and are now out of your depth to handle the legal formalities. You are experiencing grief and someone suddenly demands money from you.
We will explain to you what the law says, what your options are and, if necessary, represent you in court.
You managed to make the difficult decision to separate – or maybe your spouse did so. However, dissolving a marriage is much more difficult than getting one.
Perhaps there is a dispute between you and your spouse about the divorce decision itself, about who is to blame for your separation, parental authority, child contact, or the amount of child support.
Divorce can sometimes become one of the most difficult events in life. Strong emotions are understandable, but they won’t help you handle the case properly. We will keep a level head for you and look at the case solely rationally, explain to you what options are available, and then help you achieve an agreed outcome.
You’ve gotten into financial trouble, and the situation is getting worse with each passing minute. Time is playing against you. Interest is accruing and its rates are rising. You may have even already received a payment order from the court. Or the collector has seized your account.
Do not wait any longer! We can help you negotiate with your creditors, represent you at trial or in enforcement proceedings.
Moreover, we can fight for your reset and a chance to start fresh in restructuring or bankruptcy proceedings.
To fit a single, unified category all in one piece under this name is a tricky undertaking as it seems to have no boundaries.
From construction law to pharmaceutical law, from waste management to telecommunications, from government elections to food quality, administrative law is a veritable thicket of legislation that wraps around every area of life.
Violations of orders or prohibitions of administrative law often carry severe financial penalties, even exceeding the fine that could be imposed for an offence in a criminal case.
We will help you figure out your administrative rights and obligations, and will represent you before authorities and administrative courts.
An apartment or a plot of land with a house is often our most important asset. Usually, we pay off the purchase over decades or spend on it our life savings. Having your contract reviewed by a professional can protect you from huge losses.
Along with the ownership of the property, you acquire many rights and responsibilities regarding its management, maintenance, etc. Automatically you become a party to relations with neighbors, utility providers, owners of other properties, and public authorities.
We will assist you in drafting and negotiating a favorable contract and help you with all legal issues regarding the ownership of a property.
Did you agree to a tempting offer from a bank and raise a CHF loan only to see years later that it wasn’t a fair offer? If, after many years of repaying the loan, you still cannot see the end of it, contact a lawyer who will inform you about your rights.
Credit agreements are not simple, so having it analyzed by a lawyer is the first step to regaining financial stability and peace of mind.
Based on an analysis of the loan agreement, we will calculate how much you can save once the agreement is cancelled and will talk you through each of the next steps to achieving your goal of living peacefully in your home.
A flurry of letters from a debt collector and phone calls from a debt collection agency overwhelms you – you think it will never end?
We will tell you about the possibility of consumer bankruptcy, which can give you a chance to live a life without debt collectors’ letters and be free from strange numbers calls. Step by step, we will discuss the whole process and will restore your hope of living in peace.
You have received a donation and don’t know if you should pay tax? You run a business and the Tax Office is conducting an audit? Tax law can make your head spin, but with our support, it will become simpler.
We will analyze your situation together and find the best possible solution to your tax problems. When it comes to taxes, waiting for the problem to resolve itself may cost you dearly – don’t wait and contact us.
Do you have shares in a company and would like to divide it into smaller ones? Or perhaps you are considering whether to switch from one type of company to another? In many cases, the type of company makes a huge difference in how much you can earn from it, so asking such questions is essential.
Tell us about your company and what you would like to change in it – we will find the right legal regulations for it.