• radca prawny Tomasz Okrzesik



My name is Tomasz Okrzesik. I am a legal adviser.

I approach my responsibilities with a task-based mindset. To the command “let’s think of something” I already have a handful of solutions. If there is an answer I am not sure of, I reply: “Don’t know, but I’ll find out!”. And I immediately get to work.

I have been involved in sports since childhood- it has taught me commitment and instilled in me the desire to win. I enjoy the court and the courtroom: civil and business litigation in the broadest sense are my wheelhouse. I am also familiar with company law, the law of financial instruments, and proceedings concerning the cancellation of CHF credits. From time to time, I deal with criminal cases as well.

Privately, I am a passionate footballer, marathon runner and mountain trekking enthusiast.

Attorney-at-law TOMASZ OKRZESIK | Sabuda-Sawinski.pl